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Back to basics: Pulley Rig


So it’s a new year and a new decade and so with a few new friends that are now always wanting to hit the beach as they have just got into sea angling have also now got the bug. I figured a few have lost a few bits of gear and instead of keep buying rigs they can make their own.

It won’t be for some and that’s ok as they are cheap enough to buy, but for myself it’s the satisfaction of making the rigs and then catching fish on them that gives added value to my personal fishing, plus you can tailor the rigs to the venues you fish like shorten your hook lengths etc if the tidal flow has changed. So today I thought I would concentrate on one of the favoured rigs and most widely used rigs across the U.K especially in snaggy areas although not one of my favourite rigs. The pulley rig is a good rig in the sense that when the fish takes the bait it won’t feel the resistance straight away and normally hooks itself when the hook sets because of the sinkers resistance once the line goes taught. The other benefit is it’s a lot less complicated for snaggy areas so wont snag up as much and the best bit Is when you hook a fish in a snaggy area the lead comes up in front of the fish at all times whilst you’re reeling them in. This rig can also be cast a long distance due to it being streamlined. So how do we tie the pulley rig? 1. Begin by tying a lead link with a tail at the end of a 4ft length of 80lb mono.

2. Then slide on a bead and a large 100lb swivel or a Pulley swivel and add another bead.

3. Then tie another 100lb swivel on the other end of the mono.

4. Tie a 3ft hook length of 60lb+ mono to the swivel that is at the end of the last piece we tied.

5. Add a hook of your choice most choose between a size 1 – 8/0 hook depending on the species you are trying for.

6. When casting, clip the baited hook to the lead link tail or Imp/Gemini bait clip for a streamlined rig. I use 80lb rig body and 100lb swivels for safety when casting so you can take the shock of lead weigh on the cast remember for your leader line its recommended you use 10lb for every ounce of lead.

So if you’re using a 6-7oz lead you have a good safety margin even if the line was to be damaged.

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