Dabs are found all over Britain but more common in the North sea down to around 100 meters, most Dabs are around the 12oz mark but a good specimen Dab would be around a one and half pounds.
They are right eyed fish meaning that if you look at them head on the eyes are on the right hand side of the fish. Dabs are sandy or brownish on top with a white underside and sometimes fins can be orange in colour. They are smooth if you run your finger from head to tail but rough if run the opposite way unlike flounders which are only rough on the lateral line as people sometimes confuse the two. Dabs are a good table eating fish as well.
3 Hook flapper 50-60 main rig body & 15-20lb hook length with an Aberdeen style 4 hook.
2 hook flapper 50-60 main rig body & 15-20lb hook length with an Aberdeen style 4 hook.
Running ledger 50-60 main rig body & 15-20lb hook length with an Aberdeen style 4 hook.
Black lugworm: Half a large black lug threaded onto your hook standard lug work well too.
Mackerel: cut into thin strips and hook through once then just elastic whip the top of the strip to the hook shank.
Squid: Cut the squid mantle into thin strips and hook once with hook and then whip the top to the shank.
Mussels: Elastic whip mussels to the hook shank leaving a clear hooking point.
Dabs are primarily found on sandy sea beds but will be around mixed ground too in the flat parts or sandy outcrops.
Dabs move with the tide hovering up everything the tide releases as it comes in so long casts are not needed at all.
Dabs are predictable fish that will feed in shoals at the same time of tide normally which results in many catches of them and although with most fishing fresh bait is a must it’s a known fact that Dabs actually prefer the more stale or rotting baits at times.